Instant Games and the Lottery

Throughout history, making decisions and determining fates through the casting of lots has been an extraordinarily common practice. However, when people buy lottery tickets to win material goods, they are not engaging in a game of chance, but in a form of gambling that involves a substantial risk of financial ruin.

Lottery revenues typically expand dramatically when first introduced, then begin to level off or even decline. That’s why state lotteries have a propensity to introduce new games in an effort to maintain and increase revenue.

One common way to do that is to sell “instant games,” or scratch-off tickets. These tickets have lower prize amounts but are sold for a fraction of the cost of traditional tickets. That reduces the amount of money that must be invested in a single drawing, which increases the chances of winning.

The problem with these kinds of instant games is that they are very prone to the same behavioral traps as other forms of gambling. They tend to encourage compulsive gambling and to have a disproportionately regressive impact on low-income communities.

Moreover, purchasing lottery tickets can become a very expensive habit that diverts dollars from other government receipts that could be used for retirement or college tuition. That’s why many economists argue that instant games should be banned. Instead, state legislatures should put their energies into developing a new taxation system that is fairer to all. That would require a new approach to how we raise money for our public services and not just rely on the lottery to fund them.